Thursday, March 11, 2010

Missing the Target

So I decided to drop into one of my local Targets today (there are three within 10 miles of me)- the one that usually carries the Go International lines.  To my shock there was no Jean Paul Gaultier to be found!  I must say, I wasn't too disappointed as I was not really feeling the lookbook, but I thought I'd check it out in person anyhow.  A quick online search when I got home revealed that none of the Targets within even an hour of me are carrying this line.  I can only assume Target knew it was a bit too "edgy" (by "edgy" here, I mean god-awful) to appeal to the suburban consumer.  Now, I consider myself to have much much better taste and fashion-awareness than the average suburban consumer, but STILL, I just couldn't make myself like this line.  It looks like the clearance rack at Forever 21. *cringe*  Am I being harsh here?

Anywho, my trip was not a total bust, as I did find some early releases of the new Liberty of London for Target collection.  None of the clothes were out yet, but there were several endcaps throughout the store featuring the home products.  I found comforters, piggy banks, acrylic trays, throw pillows, and lampshades.  All were disappointing.  The fabric of the comforters was not so snuggly.  The throw pillows were made out of some horrendous chintzy acrylic faux-silk junk.  Overall, I found myself thinking that most of the items were way too similar to Issac Mizrahi's old Target stuffs.  I did like the paper products though, snapping up a boxed set of three mini journals for $6.99.  I'm still holding out hope for the rest of the line, which will be in stores this Sunday!  And it had better be in one of my stores! *threatening fist shaking*

See here:

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Slow down, we've got time left to be lazy.

I'm in love.  With J.Crew's new "Rainy Day Ballet Flat".  Can we talk about how many times I've tromped around in sopping wet ballet flats because I'm too lazy to check the weather before I leave the house?  (Alright, who are we kidding?  Even if I knew it were going to rain, 90% of the time I'd be too lazy to put rain boots on.) At $55, plus the 15% student discount that I will acquire by using my old college ID that I have saved for such purposes, they'll be a great deal!  For god's sake they even have little drainage holes!  I must have this adorable peachy/pink color!  Way cuter than other jelly flats I've seen.  Please also do yourself the favor of checking out the song The Gambler by fun. (fronted by the Format's Nate Ruess!!!).  Ok- I think I've put enough exclamation points in this post now.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

To the Pointe

After reading an article in my new Marie Claire documenting the author's endeavor into dance- specifically taking beginner adult classes at the Joffrey Ballet in New York- I was inspired to do the same. I've always regretted not taking dance lessons past the age of five at the YMCA and was thrilled to discover that a local studio offers an adult course. While I'm thinking it's going to be an awesome fitness opportunity, I'm also thinking it's going to be fun putting together my "en pointe" ballet class wardrobe.  Until payday arrives, you'll find me endlessly perusing Discount Dance Supply.

Henri de Toulouse Lautrec Ballet Dancers, 1885
Isabel Munoz Ballet National de Cuba, 2001
Studded Ballet Slippers from Bona Drag

Monday, February 15, 2010

Big Bopper Here

Happy 2nd birthday to my precious baby Otto!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


There's always hope. 800.273.TALK.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Hop, Skip, and a Jump!

My small hometown really goes overboard for Groundhog Day.  You see, ever since Bill Murray's cult classic film Groundhog Day was filmed there in the 90's, the town's never been quite the same.  Although I've always found this endlessly embarrassing and more than a little pathetic, I'm finally beginning to embrace our little claim to fame.  Each February 2nd, we pull our own groundhog "Woodstock Willie" out of his cozy home and await his prognostication. (Click here to see what I'm talking about- I'm pretty sure that's my friend Andrew in the costume!)  While most years leave me cursing the adorable/evil little creature, this year Willie did not see his shadow, which has me seeing polka dots.  Kate Spade sent out this email, featuring three adorable ways to style their Reina dress.  At $395, I won't be buying this one, but it sure is providing some great inspiration for spring.  It's right around the corner! (I got so into the spirit this year that I even indulged in an adorable little groundhog cookie from the local bakery- wish I had snapped a pic.)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

This is what I do to the walls in almost every place I've lived for the last five years... and I love it.  It gives me something to do with all of the fantastic ads that I rip out of my magazines and would otherwise be hoarding in folders. (The book sharing the title of this post is a must read, BTW.)